Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Have a Dream

I guess more appropriate would be to say I HAD a dream. Last night, the night before my first prenatal visit, I had a dream about a little boy with dirty blonde hair and round cheeks. He was 3-4 years old. I knew he was mine and his name was David. I have added David to my list of possible names and I am now very interested to find out the sex of the baby. I still want a girl, but I honestly think I'm having a boy. Call it mother's intuition.


Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

Sounds like your dreams are more relevant than mine. I have the weirdest dreams when I am pregnant. And not to be weird but I always associate names with people that I know with that name like david hopkinson. But if you don't do that then I think david is a good strong name that should be considered.

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

That's so cool! I once read somewhere that mother's intuition predicts gender 80% of the time...but I have no idea how they came up with that statistic.