Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Ultrasound

Most pregnant women get one or two ultrasounds their entire pregnancy; this is my third. I really enjoy watching the baby move around and seeing how active the baby is. As far as the doctors can tell everything is going well. At week 20 (9 more weeks!) they will be able to check for heart and spine defects. The baby is fully formed by now and the rest of the entire pregnancy will be spent growing and strengthening the systems that are all ready in place. Seeing how active the baby is now makes me excited for when I'll be able to feel movement, but it also makes me a bit nervous because I hope I'll be able to sleep at night with the baby kicking and somersaulting at all hours.

1 comment:

Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

Just you wait. I can already see the movement through my shirt and I'm only like 25 weeks. By the end it gets really fun. The movment of you being awake and moving around puts them to sleep and when you lay still (like to sleep) that is when they wake up and cause trouble.