Monday, November 24, 2008

How Sweet it is to Be Loved by You

Today has not been a good day. I threw up once at work, once at home, once at the doctor's office, and twice in the car. I had another doctor's appointment today and in between work and doctor I came home. The house smelled musty. I huddled under the covers and turned on the air conditioner to get the air flowing a bit, but the smell got to me and I got sick. I was dreading coming home after work, but I walked into a home that smelled sweet and fresh. Dennis had taken off the afternoon from work but I had to go back after the appointment. While I was gone, Dennis took his time off to thoroughly clean the entire apartment and then he went and bought 8 of those air fresheners that are shaped like a tree and 1 new Febreeze air freshener like the one I have in the kitchen. The garbages were emptied, the sink was cleaned and clear of dishes. Dennis worked his entire time off to make the house smell better for me so I wouldn't be so sick. The baby and I are so lucky to have such a great husband and father who cares so much for both of us.


Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

Husbands are the greatest. Hope your morning sickness/all day sickness goes away in time to enjoy some turkey. And have a safe trip to Oregon.

Elizabeth said...

That was really nice of Dennis. I remember how much smells got to me while I was pregnant. It was so bad I had to switch lotions, I couldn't handle any sort of smell on my hands. This is a bad story but I want to tell you. This story is about throw up so if that makes you gag stop reading now. While I was teaching one of my kids threw up several times around the classroom. He made it to the bathroom but instead of throwing up in the toilet he threw up in the trash can. I didn't throw up amazingly!