Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Know What Boys Like

I was told that I would start to recognize a pattern to Ben's kicking; that he would begin to kick at certain times, almost like a schedule. I have discovered what gets Benjamin excited: food, sleeping (well, me sleeping) and sports. Benjamin starts kicking whenever I start eating. He also starts to kick whenever I lay down. Some would say that he misses the rocking motion he experiences when I'm up, but I am pretty sedentary most of the day so I don't think that's quite it. I just hope this habit doesn't carry over to after he's born or I won't get a wink of sleep. Benjamin also begins kicking whenever Dennis and I listen to BYU basketball games on the radio. He never seems to tire, kicking pretty consistently for over 15 minutes. He's probably anxious to get out there and join in the fun! Benjamin's kicking patterns indicate that he's a lot like his dad - he enjoys food, sleeping, and most of all: sports.


Kami said...

Apparently, my Ninja really enjoys lectures. Especially Strategic Management. I wish she'd get more excited in my History of Creativity class. ;)

Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

With Taydom some foods she would get more excited about than others. It was kind of fun to see how she would react to what I was eating. Some of her favorite foods were chocolate of course and mexican food. Have a good week and I hope you get the package today.