Monday, February 9, 2009

A Landmark Day

Today I reached a milestone: I weighed myself and I am finally back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. My first thought was: "I weighed as much as a 5-months pregnant woman BEFORE I was pregnant??!!!" My second thought: "It's about time!". I am gaining weight at the rate a pregnant woman should; about one pound per week, so I am very happy to be back up to a zero overall so I can start gaining some weight. I know the weight gain (up to a certain point) will benefit the baby so I am so happy to be healthy enough to be gaining.


Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

Now the great part is that you might end up leaving the hospital weighing less than you do now. Now that is something to think about. That is what happened with me and KaileeJo. Was I that fat before I had the kid? I didn't think so but maybe??

Wendy said...

I lost so much weight at the beginning of my pregnancy that I did not get back to my original weight until my 6 month check up. Overall I gained about 18 pounds from my original weight while I was pregnant. I was also excited when I had actually gained weight.