Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 or 6-Month Pictures

I'm a bit confused as to how pregnant I actually am. I know I am exactly 23 weeks and 4 days, but how that calculates into months I do not know. I just thought I was 5 months pregnant because at February 10th I had 4 more months to go. I looked it up online though and according to a week to month conversion I am in the 2nd week of my 6th month. Anyway, I'll just say I'm 5 months because it will make the time seem to go by faster than if I say I'm 6 months. Benjamin is moving around a lot on some days and not so much on other days (it probably depends on how much sugar I feed him). I may not look very pregnant, but I feel pregnant. My back aches, my feet/legs are swollen, and I am having more trouble sleeping at nights. I don't think I've actually slept through an entire night since oh...about my 2nd month of pregnancy. I am getting some energy back and starting to "nest". Some days I want to go out and just buy a bunch of baby things, but since we'll be moving apartments the end of April it would just be more stuff to move. Not to mention I'll be having a few baby showers before Ben is born. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so I'll probably be adding new ultrasound pictures in the next few days. I love being pregnant; it's one of the best things I've done with my life and I can't wait to meet the little guy who keeps kicking me!

1 comment:

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...