Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kick for Daddy

Ben is a pretty calm baby (so far!) and it's been hard to get him to kick while Dennis has his hand on my stomach. Every time Dennis' hand got close, Benjamin would just freeze. We'd been trying to have Dennis feel him kicking for a few weeks and this Sunday in church we finally succeeded. I think it was the loud male voice of the guy giving a talk that made Benjamin react so strongly. I grabbed Dennis' hand and put it on my belly and Ben kept on kicking. Dennis was so happy to feel Ben moving (finally).

1 comment:

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

This "I'm gonna stop moving the second my dad touches Mom's belly" phenomenon seems to be a pretty common experience. How can they tell? And why do they delight in torturing us so? :)

*Sometimes* if dads put their ears on mum's belly they can hear the heartbeat and hear movements. It worked for Adam on a few occasions.