Sunday, May 17, 2009

Benjamin's Room

Last weekend (before I found out I'd need the nursery done quickly) I got Benjamin's room all ready for him. I sorted the clothes by size, assembled all the baby gear, with some help from Dennis, and got everything generally organized. The results:

This is a view from the doorway.

A close-up of the back wall/window.

The rocking chair where Benjamin will be rocked for hours and hours by mom and other people who love him. Also, the basket which holds all the books he has so far for a bedtime reading.

Stroller, Bouncer, and Swing. These will obviously not always be in his room, but I wanted to include them in the pictures to show off how cute they are!

A close-up of Benjamin's stroller and car seat. I love the cute jungle print!

Benjamin's bouncer and swing. The swing works with his carseat so I just put the carseat on the frame and it will swing him while he's in his carseat. This swing was 1/2 the price of every other swing we looked at and I really like the idea!

Benjamin's state-of-the-art closet complete with tupperware drawers for a dresser and a curtain for a closet door. I'm sure Ben won't care though.

Benjamin's crib with the crib set.

Benjamin's crib next to the bassinette he'll be using. The bassinette is really special because it's an antique. It's been used by Benjamin's great-grandpa Ostler, his grandpa Ostler, and his mom.

And here's all the boxes and garbage we had to get rid of when we were through!

It was a long project, but once the room was finished I felt a lot better and a lot more ready to have Benjamin. It won't be long now until he's here to personally enjoy all the wonderful things people have given him. Thank you to all of you who have given us what we need to take care of our sweet baby boy! *Don't worry - I'm sending thank you cards after he's here so I can include a picture.*


Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

It's nice! I like the green you chose! And that swing is super smart! Do you have a wrap for him yet?

Jaggers Brain said...

Yeah for Ben's room!!!! Oh I'm so excited to meet him! You're amazing!