Monday, January 12, 2009


I have gone through different stages of cravings, but I'm starting to settle in on what sounds good a lot of the time.
  • Chinese food from this place in the mall called Little Tokyo
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Toasted pepperoni sandwiches (I don't like lunch meat)
  • Salsa con Queso dip

I've decided I can pretty much live off of these mostly unhealthy things. Don't worry - I eat better than this, but these are the foods I want most often and the cravings are the strongest at different times of the day. I crave Chinese food or salads for lunch, sandwiches or queso later at night, and pickles when "Everybody Loves Raymond" comes on.


Adam Stephanie KaileeJo Taydom and Hadley said...

I agee about the salsa con queso. It just does something for you. Well you know how I used to feel about pickles but since I was pregnant with KaileeJo I havn't liked them nearly as much. Oh and you never told me if you wanted me to try to send some maternity shirts for you. I think I will just send then cause they don't fit me and I hope fully won't need them for a few years and you can do with them what you want. Oh and when do you find out what kind of kid you are getting? I want to know NOW the waiting is killing me.

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

I always craved junk too. What is with that?