Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Deliver me from L&D!

I went in yesterday for my non-stress test, which has been stressful pretty much every week. This week was no exception. Benjamin's heart was fine and so was my blood pressure, but I was having a lot of small, ineffective contractions (3 in 8 minutes!) so my doctor sent me to Labor and Delivery, just to be evaluated. Evaluated means poked and prodded by various uncomfortable means. My contractions continued, but I was not dialated at all. Apparently an infection was causing the contractions and I was given IV antibiotics. IVs are hard to accomplish in pregnant women and here's where the poking part of being evaluated comes in. By the time the 3rd nurse came in to try and find a vein I was sobbing. I was hurt and worried and hungry and tired. I felt really bad for the nurses and really really bad for myself. They finally got a vein and after the IV was finished I was free to go home with pills I take every 6 hours to relax my uterus so I don't have any more contractions. The pills relax ALL of me and make me really drowsy and a bit dizzy and weak, but it's better than being hooked up to an IV or having a very small, very sick little baby.


Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

Hang in there! Tell Dennis you deserve a trip to Border's. Because you do!

Wendy said...

Nurses can never find my veins even when I am not pregnant. I hope the pills to the trick!